Customizing and Extending Sngine: How to Create Custom Pages in Sngine
Sngine is a dynamic platform built for community-driven websites, allowing flexibility for developers to create new features or pages to suit their requirements. This tutorial will provide an updated, step-by-step approach to creating static and dynamic pages in Sngine. The examples have been refined for better functionality and adherence to core patterns.
Understanding Sngine’s File and Folder Structure
Before creating a custom page, it’s important to understand Sngine’s directory structure:
: Contains themes and their associated templates./includes/
: Handles core controllers, models, and configuration files.includes/ajax/FOLDER NAME
: Used for processing AJAX requests./content/languages/
: Stores language files for multi-language support./themes/template/default/IMAGES & CSS folders
: Holds CSS, and static images.
Part 1: Creating a Static Page
Example: Adding an "About Us" Page
Step 1: Create a Template File
- Navigate to:
. - Create a new file named
- Create the smarty controller file in the root name is as aboutus.php
Step 2: Register the Route
- Open
. - Add a route for the new page:
Step 3: Test the Page
- Visit the URL:
Part 2: Creating a Dynamic Page
Step 1: Controller Function
- Create your Open
. - Add the following function:
* About Us
* @package Sngine
* @author Zamblek
// fetch bootloader
// check if about us feature is enabled
if (!$system['aboutus_enabled']) {
// user access
if (!$system['system_public']) {
try {
// set the default view
$_GET['view'] = (isset($_GET['view'])) ? $_GET['view'] : '';
switch ($_GET['view']) {
case '':
// static About Us content
$about_us_content = "
Welcome to [Your Community Name]! We are dedicated to creating a platform where users can share, connect, and grow together. Our mission is to provide an engaging and supportive environment for all members.
// assign variables
$smarty->assign('about_us_content', $about_us_content);
// page header
page_header(__("About Us") . ' | ' . __($system['system_title']), __($system['system_description_aboutus']));
// get ads for the page
$ads = $user->ads('aboutus');
/* assign variables */
$smarty->assign('ads', $ads);
// assign view
$smarty->assign('view', $_GET['view']);
} catch (Exception $e) {
_error(__("Error"), $e->getMessage());
// page footer
Step 2: Create the Template
- Navigate to:
. - Paste the following code in
{include file='_head.tpl'}
{include file='_header.tpl'}
<!-- page header -->
<div class="page-header">
<img class="floating-img d-none d-md-block" src="{$system['system_url']}/content/themes/{$system['theme']}/images/headers/undraw_about_us.svg">
<div class="circle-2"></div>
<div class="circle-3"></div>
<div class="{if $system['fluid_design']}container-fluid{else}container{/if}">
<h2>{__("About Us")}</h2>
<p class="text-xlg">{__($system['system_description_aboutus'])}</p>
<!-- page header -->
<!-- page content -->
<div class="{if $system['fluid_design']}container-fluid{else}container{/if} mt20 sg-offcanvas">
<div class="row">
<!-- left panel -->
<div class="col-md-4 col-lg-3 sg-offcanvas-sidebar">
<!-- optional side content -->
<div class="card">
<div class="card-body">
<h5>{__("Quick Links")}</h5>
<ul class="side-nav">
<a href="{$system['system_url']}">{__("Home")}</a>
<a href="{$system['system_url']}/pages">{__("Pages")}</a>
<!-- left panel -->
<!-- right panel -->
<div class="col-md-8 col-lg-9 sg-offcanvas-mainbar">
<!-- about us content -->
<div class="card">
<div class="card-body">
<h3 class="mb20 text-center">{__("Our Mission")}</h3>
<p class="text-muted">
{include file='_ads.tpl'}
<!-- right panel -->
<!-- page content -->
{include file='_footer.tpl'}
Step 4: Test the Page
- Visit:
Part 3: Enhancements and Best Practices, if you wish it to be multilingual
Multi-Language Support
- Add new language variables in
$lang['about_us'] = "About Us";
$lang['top_contributors'] = "Top Contributors";
$lang['points'] = "Points";
- Use language variables in your templates:
<p>{$lang.points}: {$contributor.user_points}</p>
Creating and extending custom pages in Sngine allows for unparalleled flexibility. By leveraging static and dynamic pages, AJAX, and multi-language support, you can create feature-rich pages that enhance your user experience. Following the steps outlined here ensures a professional, scalable, and SEO-optimized approach.
- Getting Started
- Customization and Themes
- Plugins and Extensions
- SEO and Marketing
- Web Hosting and Performance
- Monetization and Business
- Community Building
- E-commerce and Marketplace
- Security and Privacy
- Development and Coding
- Bug Reports and Fixes
- Hosting Reviews
- Success Stories
- FAQs and Guides
- Feature Requests
- Social Media Integration
- Event Management
- Analytics and Reporting
- Collaborative Projects
- Sngine Updates and News
- Theater
- Wellness